Dark times, the land enslaved
people banned to serve
no bird, no laughter in the fields
the days so dark, the nights so cold
And so the years went by
went down - witout sense
heavy pages in the book of history
tell 'till today of the bard's curse
"Show me to play, teach me your art"
once spoke a boy deep from the heart
the old one with a harp, the boy with his voice
played the songs with rich sound
And so the songs went by
a feeling - so unknown
but heavy pages in the book of history
tell 'till today of the bard's curse
And then it was up to play in front of a frozen throne
death was punishment, live was fee
"Play! you both, but play good,
otherwise I make my own pleasure and spill your blood."
He played the haph as good as never before
voices gathered to a rich song
it sounded their both singing
and every mind was cought
And then they played in front of a frozen throne
death would be punishment, live would be fee
but heavy are pages in the book of history
and heavyly they bear the bard's curse
Full of wrath the steel comes down
kills the boy in front of the throne with deep pain
the old one carrys the boy out of the hall
but stays still, turns and shouts:
"Couse you, murder, curse of all bards"
Fall to the ground, drown in your blood!
You name shall be forgotten, you body shall burn to dust,
broken your halls, overrun your land!"
The old man has shouted, everybody had listen
the walls went down, the halls are destroyed
the old name of the throne, no book knows it today
only one thing fills heavy pages: the bard's curse!