I forget your face, no, I don't remember it
No trace, which gives your presence away, you got lost on the way
No traces left in the sand, no hand in my hand
I don't see the stars, the wind has blown them away
There's no sign left, nobody has touched me here
Our voices have faded away, our gestures are outdated
It feels like it has not happened at all, the hands have been turned back
I have forgotten what you look like when you sleep
And your shining eyes, the first moment
I don't know it anymore, and everything blurs
Because my gaze cannot find you, cannot recognize you anymore
I want to get back to the beginning, to the first moment
No other has every known, what connected us, dies with us
Just a sparkle in time, just a whif of eternity
I know the heater was broken and your hair was wet
And soon I forget that you where everything for me