I want to go down with my ship
Because I’m the captain
And I’ll give you my promise
That promises are not to be broken
You will see
This is a lip-smacking, teeth-bearing
Shark tank business
The one who has no teeth at all,
Will surely be the one to first get bit
I scream, you scream, we all want to be supreme ¹
In spite of your simplicity, they say you must be styled perfectly
The captain drowns
If the ship goes down
The ship is sinking
But you can take me for my word
The captain drowns
If the ship goes down
You can take me for my word
I won’t go overboard.
These are the boards
Which mean the world to me – do you hear the register ringing?
Boards that only mean money – more ringing, more booty
I scream, you scream, we all want to be supreme
In spite of your simplicity, they say you must be styled perfectly
No question: no complaint without a complainant
But contracts make you sluggish,
Makes the ray of hope more sluggish
Look at you, role model
Half as wild and only half so direct
I scream, you scream, we all want to be supreme (3x)
I could care less; I’d rather wet my whistle with champagne ²
The captain drowns
If the ship goes down
Because he didn’t dock it
You can take my word for it
The captain drowns
If the ship goes down
You can take me for my word
I won’t go overboard.
I want to go down with this ship, because I’m the captain