Oh Lord, Please give me my language back,
I long for peace and a little bit of happiness.
Let us still understand one word in this difficult time,
Open our hearts make the brain sufficient.
I was running to the train station and was a little bit too late:
On my new Swatch was already almost after eight.
I looked for the bathroom, but I found only a“McClean”,
I needed more (urgently) a train schedule for a ticket to Berlin.
Kids sat outside and had Fun with a Joint.
I looked for an information desk, but there was only one Service Point.
My train has unfortunatley left – the trip I could call off.
But I at least wanted to eat chicken, but they gave me only McChicken
You tried to, tell me, but my response turned you off
You say, that I urgently needed a Wellness-Weekend
You say, I came back into the Flow with Good Vibrations.
You say, I need Energy. And I think:”So says you.”
Instead of getting news I get the Infotainment-Flash.
I long for money, but it doesn’t give me Cash.
when Communicating I feel more uncertain/unsafe than ever
not even a body guard can help me here.
Literally - Because I’m not a good Bodyguard. I need Security!
Oh Lord, Please give me my Language back,
I long for Peace and a little bit of happiness.
Let us still understand one word in this difficult time,
Open our hearts, make the brains sufficient.
I want the coffee-shop Kaffeehaus to be at the top
or that in the car accident the Air bag opens,
And it would be nice if we called a Bodybuilder Muskel-Mäster (muscle-builder)
And if only Nordic Walkers would walk/run around the countryside.
Oh Lord, please help,because my Language makes me Stressed,
I long for Peace and a bit of Happiness.
Help us, that we understand in this difficult time,
open our Hearts and make the brains sufficient.
Oh Lord, please give me my Language back,
I fight the crisis here for a while, one (can see), it has no effect.
Let us still understand a word, it's getting on my nerves
And give, that “Microsoft” soon again is called “Kleinweich”
Yes, that it is called “Kleinweich”(littlesoft)….