Farewell, my Griet, I'm going to sea (1)
The wind from northeast is picking up
The ship lies ready to sail on the roadstead(2)
So Grete, be of good cheer
Soon I'll be back to the fatherland
And thou shalt be my wife
I have pledged my heart to You
I count on your faithfulness
So Gretel therefore think of me
Consider yourself a bride already
Never go with guys whoever they are
Never go out with other men
O Gretel wipe dry your tears
My dearest cry no more
Thou art my heart and will remain dear
Soon I shall return again
Do not be jealous my dear Griet
As I tell you goodbye
Those brown girls I will not Kiss
They are as black as a pelt
But the Steerman came to Oosterstrand
Since his heart was reassured
And many a sun-tanned girl
Was kissed by him as well
But did Grietje stay true to him
No, when she got the news
She became that day already the boatswain's wife
When he came back again