Jack, Queen, King
His head cut off his trunk -
This is how the Jack died
With a silent screech in her own blood
The queen drowned.
He has commanded the deathblow
The King
Jack, Queen, King, Ace
The game is over and you're out
The game is going round and round,
Surviving over centuries
And never setting you free again.
There's no longer a heart to beat
In the Jack's hero's chest
Instead of beauty it is rottenness
That resembles the Queen's face now.
He's never had a heart
The King.
Jack, Queen, King, Ace
The game is over and you're out.
The fool is dancing through the night,
Dreaming about sunshine
Rain is falling upon their face
But still, all they can see is the dazzling light
The game that was so nice in the beginning
Has fascinated four friends
But as time passed away, little by little,
They'd been gambling their happiness away.
Jack, Queen, King, Ace
His head cut off...
The dance is reaching the madness pitch,
One more step and it's too late
Where once friendship settled among them
It is hatred that reigns now.
The enjoyment of the game is rapidly turning
Into an utterly atrocious fight.
Insanity and death are brought with it
Now the world is under the spell of achieving power (at all costs)