Many years ago I lived
Down at the fir tree hill
I was a young charcoal burner
But envy spoiled my sense of honour
I only wished for fame and riches
The price didn't matter
And so I became a victim
Of the demon from the fir tree realm
He tore out my beating heart
Stored it in a glass
Gave me a heart of stone
And quickly I forgot my fears
Life with the cold heart
Gave me everything, took so much
Famous and rich I became
But I lost this game
[Chorus 1:]
When silence runs rampant screaming
When all you hear is hearts beating
No sound comes from my chest
No sound disturbing my rest
[End chorus 1]
[Chorus 2:]
Stone became my dreams
Stone, so cool
Stone became my tears
Stone became my feelings
No joy amuses me
I understand no laugh, no joke
I became dead stone
Like my cold heart
[End chorus 2]
Many years later
I wanted to see my heart one last time
And in the demons hut
I saw a hundred glasses
Said: "Master, those are no hearts
They're only made of wax!
Did you never take my heart,
I though so immediately."
[Chorus 2]
"You little runt, I will teach you,
In this glass your real heart!
Take it back into your body,
Feel joy and pain for one last time."
United with my real heart
I took to my heels
I fled as far as roads would carry me
Until I found peace again
[Chorus 1]
[Chorus 2]