Oh I’m the famous Darling of all hearts
Everyone tells me about Their own troubles
But what is this
I get lonelier, and all of my Friends are dating
I’m wasting time and money I’m Darling of all hearts
Poverty in the midst of plenty That’s my story
This is not right
You only see me when you’re Suffering
This doesn't feel good
Oh I need love Oh I need love
I’m left alone at the end
What is this
Oh I need love Yes I need love
This is unfair What should I do
But still Having fun with friends
I still like it why why why why,I like it
Like this
Being single It’s a bit lonely, but not sad
One Two Three Let’s go
I was all by myself ,I spent so many weekends by myself
A cup of tea One Shot A cup of coffee One Shot
That’s all So I’m feeling down
No one looks for me on Friday
Why I’m alone in the big room
Tears are coming up, everyone is in love oh no
They say I’m the only one
And the story starts and Ends with a love story
This is so mean
You only see me when you’re Suffering and then you’re gone
Oh I need love Oh I need love
I’m left alone at the end What is this
Oh I need love Yes I need love
This is unfair What should I do
Jedong oppa now I know How you feel
When you come down from the cheonggye Mountain
Those pretty girls who you lost contact
What did we do wrong, just being too nice
Let’s have a drink
You and I both don’t want to be alone
No No No No Call me when You are bored
But maybe I, maybe I Still like being a single
Honestly I, Maybe I Am not that lonely
Like this
Having fun with friends
I still like it why why why why I like it
Like this
Being single
It’s a bit lonely, but not sad I don’t cry from loneliness
Who was that? -It's not me,it's her