Pearls have twined round my neck
In three strands, in three strands.
You said: "You will be mine or nobody's"
"Never will, never will!"
You were a Lion and a Deer, you are of proud kin
That lives over there, by the line of the sky.
Where nights are winged, and winds are shaggy,
And among men - the bravest is you.
Seeped like dust through my palm
And were lost between stones
All the words which they told you
About me, about me.
That my shoulders are warm, and my words are proud,
That my candles are barbed up high in the dark.
My loyalty is where distant lightnings dance,
However hard you may try - you'll never reach it.
I'll send afloat a wreath with a candle,
Lightly so, lightly so,
To drift after you along streams and polynyas1
Far away, far away.
To shine in polynyas amidst stormy clouds,
Up high, up high,
In that land to which I let you go,
Far away, far away.
Where nights are winged, and horses are shaggy,
Where shields, swords and armor clang like songs,
Where ships under sails, under peacock tails,
Where witches are sweeter and prettier than me.
Their shoulders are warm, their words are bold,
Look how candles melt up high in the dark,
Where horses are winged, and winds are shaggy -
It's all far away, far away, far away...
1. polynya - a loan word from Russian, meaning areas of unfrozen water within ice