You'll see that it'll all be all right,
you'll see that it'll all be all right,
even if you start all over again
you'll see it'll all be all right.
Me, no, I've never been a saint,
I'm only a man, a man to be changed
at times, but we all need
a friend who will make us,
who will make us reason, because alone, no,
alone one can't change the world,
alone one can't
find the root of the problem in the people;
because alone, no,
alone one can't change the world,
alone one can't
always see the deep side of things.
You'll see it'll all be all right,
you'll see it'll all be all right,
even if you start again from scratch
you'll see it'll all be all right, you'll see.
Me, no, I'm not so good at talking,
but my eyes, my eyes can make you understand
at times, but when the wind is rising all around
I can't manage, I can't manage to hear any more
Because alone, no, alone one can't
Change the world, alone one can't
always find the deep side of things,
because alone, no, alone one can't change
the world, alone one can always always see
the deep side in the people. You'll see it'll all be all right,
you'll see it'll all be all right,
even if you start again from scratch
you'll see that it'll all be all right, you'll see.
You'll see it'll all be all right, you'll see it'll all be all right,
even if you start again from scratch
you'll see it'll all be all right, you'll see.
You'll see it'll all be all right, you'll see it'll all be all right,
even if you start again from scratch
you'll see it'll all be all right, you'll see.
You'll see it'll all be all right, you'll see it'll all be all right,
even if you start again from scratch
you'll see it'll all be all right, you'll see.