I got started in calculus
In school at a tender age
It was later, still trying to reach the answer
That I meddled with someone
Me and you in that chapel
Added happiness
But I was followed one day
What treason life has
What bad times life has
I had a man, I was tempted
I added another, wrong score
I had the test and didn't fare well
One plus one equals two
And it is heaven, perhaps
Come one more, later
Two plus one is three
From the sum I took the final teaching
I really did add
But in love I failed
I did the math wrong
Cheating, even to cheaters
Holds one accountable alright:
It multiplies our pains
And divides an affection
By this time, you and I
Are still sharing an account
I only ask that, for my punishment
What I say should lessen my penalty
In this dark confession
From a cheat who is truthful
Who awaits you but doesn't expect
Your forgiveness anymore