She tore me apart with her words.
She shattered my faith.
I was left alone, in the spiderweb
of the past mistakes.
She was a hurricane, and I was a lie:
What a formula to lose!
What was loved is not forgotten:
but there will be never such a cruel hatred
like the one that casts itself from the past
and makes of the present the extension
of a ferocious and wrong love,
that is still hurting our heart.
I want to burn our past
and make it dissapear.
To see, in the candlelight,
my past mistakes
turning into dust and ashes
giving calmness to myself.
To see how the memory heals
but not the wound that is you.
Like a hurricane it came
Like a hurricane it left
What was loved is never forgotten
Even if it can't return
Like a hurricane it came
Like a hurricane it left
She left me in the spiderweb
of the past memories.
Like a hurricane it came
Like a hurricane it left
They say every cloud has a silver lining
I can't believe it
Like a hurricane it came
Like a hurricane it left
For her love I gave her my life
And now her love aches me.
Like a hurricane it came
Like a hurricane it left
To set my past on fire
And see it dissapear
Like a hurricane it came
Like a hurricane it left
And in the candlelight
Laughing out loud
Like a hurricane it came
Like a hurricane it left
Bitter wind hurricane
Hit me once again
Like a hurricane it came
Like a hurricane it left
The memory heals
But not your love.
A bitter wind
goes through my life
wreaking havocs
and opening wounds
you sinner
and I repent