You have waited long, the comeback of the year
The cancer is back
You have waited long, the comeback of the year
The cancer is back
You have...
... smartphones and people who fly to the moon,
But you don't have me, you don't have me
You have bombs made from radioactive plutonium
And you have cloned sheep and goats
But you don't have me, you don't have me
I'm the terrorist*, that people neither hear nor see,
Because the terror cell is in your body
Mass murder, you know I poker and bluff
Who exactly is this "Crown of Creation?"**
Because you don't joke about me,
I have power that only God and Hitler has
And I can continue forever
So long as people would rather hate one another
I'm in your house, but you don't know where,
In meat? In vegetables? In the heating pipes?
The family murder mystery for young and old:
When the light comes again, someone dies***
Yes, I am aroused by smoking,
But my occurrence requires no causality
I have succumbed street-sweepers and TV-Stars alike
And I fuck your mother...
If they lament and notice that they have breathing problems,
You know that I have extended my deal with the pharmaceutical corporations.
It's a shame, you learn first when you lose your hair,
That every day on the earth is priceless
So use your last week to travel across the sea
Or to cook crystal meth^ (Bitch!)
You want to fight? Do your thing!
You think you have grown me, because I am grown of you?
Come on, try to fight me with natural therapies
Or with western medicine or with random chance
It will be a bloody war of superlatives
You only have your life, I have my renown to lose!
If the tumor is destroyed, I have good manners,
And I congratulate you with dreams of the future.
You were lucky, it was treatable,
But you always meet twice in a lifetime
You've waited long, the comeback of the year
The cancer is back
You've waited long, the comeback of the year
The cancer is back
You have...
... smartphones and people who fly to the moon,
But you don't have me, you don't have me
You have bombs made from radioactive plutonium
And you have cloned sheep and goats
But you don't have me, you don't have me