Sitting in this cafè
Milan never stops
Autumal sun over me
words, sounds of the city.
And I'm already waiting for you
soon you will be here
table number three
I'm wondering how you are coming
With your usual foulard
with your red and strange gloves
which remind me of Paris.
And so you will talk about
every moment of yours.
You and I
flying waves over the city
You and I
like in a Chagall's picture
I will let every nostaly go.
The night-tram is already gone
but you are not here yet
maybe now I know you
your breath gives you breathing.
Suddenly you are coming
not for me, because you know
I have never known you.
You and I
flying waves over the city
You and I
like in a Chagall's picture
You and I
How many times would I come back there?
You and I
flying, feeling
I will let every nostalgy go away.
You and I
flying waves over the city
You and I
like in a Chagall's picture
I will let every nostalgy go away.