I'd like to play like Area 1
the Italian band
but the songs are very difficult
the ones by this Italian group
I am not able
to play songs by Area
because those are impossible tunes,
those songs by Area.
Well, you know what,
I am going to write a song
that resembles an Area song
I study it well
extremely well
and then I sing it for you.
How brilliant were Area,
International Popular Group
Demetrio 2 used to sing any sort of music
backed by musicians who played big time.
They explored new types of music
and people listened
an audience made up
of young communists
hippies and junkies.
As everyone knows
the fascist audience
never understood a damn thing about music.
Yes, but the comrades 3
when it's time to produce some cash...
everything goes quiet.
If there's something I regret
is that I never got to see them playing live.
back then I was just a kid
there's no chance my parents would have taken me
to an Area concert.
So many hippies
so many communists
too many people that don't pay the ticket
retail revenues are scarce
and tell me, in the end what do you eat, your instruments?
Well, in the end this song in the style of Area
turned out okay
If Area actually wrote it
it would have been a mess.
You can sing this
even if you are not Stratos.
you can play this
even if you are not Tofani, Fariselli, Tavolazzi, Capiozzo
even if you are not Area.
1. Area is an Italian progressive rock band: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area_(band) 2. singer Demetrio Stratos, leader of Area in the 1970s 3. compagni = communist sympathizers