Who taught me to speak,
to express what I feel?
Who taught me to speak,
so that I could be understood by others?
He did not teach me the words
in order to tell you what I would like.
He did not tell me how I might do it—
to convey to you my love with different words.
Who taught me to write
to express a fleeting thought?
Who taught me to write
to trap a fleeting moment?
He did not tell me how I might write
something great that you talk about.
He did not tell me how I might write
the long poems that make you dream of me.
Who taught me to live
from sunrise to sunset?
Who taught me to live
among the people of the world?
He did not tell me how I might live
those long evenings without having you close by.
He did not tell me how I could do it—
to live alone without our love.