The mounted police
is riding out from the forest.1
Assume 2 the doggy style position, girls -
there will be a rehearsal.
I went down to the kolkhoz3,
named after Michurin4
and I knew that I was to be fucked,
it was like I felt it in my heart!5
To my mother-in-law's house,
I do not go without joking.
First I stuck my dick through the fence,
then I showed them my ass!
I was in the North,
digging for gold.
If it wouldn't have been for my pussy,
I would be gone with hunger!
(REF 1:)
O-pa, o-pa6, there's a green fence,
The girls fucked the priest - according to his needs!
On a bridge stood a passerby,
looking like a fucked-up mother.
All of a sudden, out of nowhere,
he appeared, giving a blowjob!7
I fell in love with a guy,
but he turned out to be without a dick.
so why the fuck do I8 need someone without a8 dick,
when there are other8 dicks!
Like it is at the outside of the forest,
the nightingale fucks the cuckoo.
It's only heard by the branches,
"Chirp, fuckrp, dickrp, cuckoo!".9
By the metro station10, me and my darlin'
were kissing until morning.
We would have kissed more,
but my vagina was sore!
(REF 1:)
O-pa, o-pa6, there's a green fence,
The girls fucked the priest - according to his needs!
Some girls were swimming in a lake,
and they found a rubber dick.
They fucked the entire day,
they didn't even go to school!
Under the fence, my darling
found a dick made from birch.
Everyone tried it out -
but nobody came!
And from the forest, from the mountains,
came a muzhik11 showing an axe.
But he did not simply show it,
but he tied it to his dick!
I kissed with my darling,
standing near the earthen embarkment12.
And I stood and pissed,
on his white felt boots.13
(REF 2:)
O-pa, o-pa6, the pussy and ass is fused together!
This can not be, there must be a space between!
And Manka's14 hymen broke,
Sanka 15 was fucked in the ass.
After they had shit in the piano,
wonderful times had been spent!
Me and my darling were fucking,
in minus forty-degree frost.
Our asses were covered in frost,
but the dick stood like Ded Moroz!16
On Vogresovsky Bridge17,
the church was robbed.
The priest was fucked in the ass,
and the bell was shat in!
I just sucked off
Sergey Savych;18
he looked well-taken care of,
and the taste was a little salty.
(REF 1:)
O-pa, o-pa6, there's a green fence,
The girls fucked the priest - according to his needs!
Tomatoes, tomatoes,
tomatoes, vegetables19.
The pussy was riding a mare,
and the dick assisted the ambulance!
I fell in love with a Chinese Red Guard20
and hung up his portrait.
The next morning I looked at it,
the "Xuy"21 hung, but not the "Bin"!22
Me and my friend
worked together on a diesel train.
He's a burdock23, i'm a burdock,
so our boxcar was stolen from us.
I fell in love with a tractor driver,
and, as usual, he gave it to me24.
For three weeks I had soapy boobs,
and I was pissing diesel oil.
(REF 1:)
O-pa, o-pa6, there's a green fence,
The girls fucked the priest - according to his needs!
My beloved girlfriend told me on the walkie-talkie,
"I'm without 'Kombinaciya'25 and I'm without a period26"
1. Lines switched.2. Literally "Become".3. A Soviet collective farm, Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin, a famous Soviet-era plant breeder and biologist. Having a gut feeling about something.6. a. b. c. d. e. An interjection that expresses surprise.7. Literally "mouth fuck"8. a. b. c. Insert "fucking" here9. All these are puns on chirping sounds10. "metro" is in the wrong grammatical form, hinting that the singer is from the countryside and not really educated.11. A lightly pejorative term for a villager, commonly used during the Tsarist era. An embarkment that prevents a peasant's house from freezing. Valenki, traditional Russian winter footwear. Female name: diminutive form of Maria or Marianna15. Male name; comes from the Greek root Alexo or Andros16. A Russian, fictional, Santa Claus-like figure. A bridge in Voronezh, Russia. Probably referring to the Russian mathematician, Savich Sergey Evgenievich.,_%D0%A1%D0%...19. These two lines are probably only for the sake of meter and rhyme.20. This is a pun on Хунвейбин, meaning the Chinese Red Guards, but it is replaced with Хуйвейбин, containing the word for "dick".21. Хуй, meaning "dick" 22. 兵 in Chinese (bing in English, бин/bin in Russian), meaning "troupe"23. Meaning a stupid/foolish person. Meaning that they fucked.25. Means a female's frilly slip, but may also be a reference to the band "Kombinaciya" ( In other words, pregnant.