The light of your eyes is wonderful,
My son, my living child.
There is no room for you among this mass of bodies,
But you are always welcome with the gods.
Your coming, while erasing the edge
Of what is, is a heavy burden upon souls.
Another existence, given by the gods,
So that the world obtains sight.
Child of dreams,
You are an outcast of this world.
Blindly you gaze upon the shadow
Of timeless days.
Ghostly is your silhouette,
Merciless is your fear,
You are powerless among the shadow people!
Child of dreams,
Are you an outcast, or God's creation,
Which has come through my womb?
In vain you create the world through me,
Falling facedown on fate's path.
Child of dreams!
Unconsciously you fill the world,
Your home is at God's side:
You are foreign here!
In the same existence as a higher power,
You conversed with the gods,
While risking your life!
Disappearing in the depths,
In your frail hands
You hold light and darkness.
You are Indigo!
Mother, my palm is warm here!
Look, I'm flying, I'm winged!
Hold on to me, fly with me!
I will open a new world to your eyes.
I'm not in your world,
But I'm always with you,
Don't leave me!
Once again across the Milky Way,
The indigo child,
Who has come through centuries, who lives among shadows,
The eternal son of quiet sleep,
Once again, begging the shadow,
The indigo child,
Just by wrapping with a thread
The body of a three-faced volkhv1of all worlds,
Weaves a new day above the world.
Dispelling the remains of a dead epoch,
Giving warmth to dead stones,
You build a new era upon our bones,
Completing your creation,
Indigo child.
And I am your reflection!
Your eyes are icy pain!
Look then, indigo child,
Hold out your hand to me,
I am here, indigo child,
I am following you!
To another world!
Between light and darkness,
You will always be with me!
You are Indigo!
1. The priests of some pagan Slavs were known as vokhvy (singular:volkhv). Among their powers, they were believed to predict the future.