La, la, la...
you don't fool around with love.
Oh, my goodness!... that is worse. 1.
I have been waiting for a long time,
bearing the rain,
to tell you that I love you,
although you may not permit it.
- Oh, my goodness!
What would you answer me?
- Sir,
I have never been in love.
Allow me a time because
I don't trust at all
a temporary affair.
Oh my goodness!
- Go away, please.
La, la, la...
You don't fool around with love,
Oh, my goodnss!... that is worse.
I offer you a fortune,
the stars, one by one,
with the sun and the noon,
and the love that beats in my heart.
- Oh, my goodness!
You can see that I am serious.
- Well, young man!,
I don't care about richness,
and I haven't lost my head
if I tell you, franckly,
that a husband, I do need...
Oh my goodness!
- Getting married is the best thing.
La, la, la...
You don't fool around with love,
Oh, my goodness!... that is worse.
My beauty,
any time you want,
I'm ready to figure out
how expensive it is now
to go through the vicariate.
Oh, my goodness! After all we are two.
- You don't fool around with love,
Oh, my goodness!... that is worse,
because when love comes,
is, oh my goodness!,... the best.
You don't fool around with love,
Oh, my goodness!... that is worse,
- Because when love comes,
is, oh my goodness!...
The best.
La, la, la...
Because when love comes
is, oh my goodness!, ... the best.