How can you so,
Be staring directly
At the volcano without the glasses?
How do you know how
To ignore your wounds? –
Tell me.
How can we go on you and me?
How can we go on you and me?
Not to see each other for a month,
Not to be able to for another two,
And then, knowing the enternity,
To be with you in informal terms.
Do you know how difficult it is
Not to be with you for such a long time?
Faceless flags
We need to carry –
They are so tearful.
It would be surprising
To find bridges in the time of Renaissance,
God, may it be not too late.
How can we go on you and me?
How can we go on you and me?
Not to see each other for a month,
Not to be able to for another two,
And when, knowing the enternity,
To be with you in informal terms.
Do you know how difficult it is
Not to be with you for such a long time?