The way of the warrior
A life of constant dualities
Where righteousness lies
And gains strength within
Heroic courage gives might
That greets death bravely
While having respect for life
Benevolence for others
The duty and loyalty earned
Made manifest by respect
Given to those living near
The elevated and the lowly
Striding with humble honour
Integrity engrained in the soul
Mitigated with self control
Disciplined mind and emotion
Filial piety exists for family
The social bonds of conduct
That hones moral character
Wisdom gained from elders
Our brotherhood requires
The fraternal obligation kept
To be compassionate so
Patience deemed its cohort
Obedience and evotion too
They require self sacrifice
The ambitions that mislead
Are foes to service before self
A warrior must be fearless
But able to be kind to all
N'er to make suffer in hate
Nor to do so by butchery
With gentle hands extended
To prolong life in goodness
Flowers blossom quietly
Their beauty is tranquility