They said "True Kurds have green eyes"
"It does not matter that you are blonde"
"You are Kurdish" they said
I told them I wouldn't believe it but
They insisted
Then I understood
They were telling the truth
My life was great, I was a migrant from Bulgaria
I used to walk around with my İstanbul accent
I used to call Sofya as capital to whoever asks
But today I've learned that I'm from Diyarbakır
Today I've learned that I am Kurdish
Dear Öcalan "brez" Öcalan
My whole perspective changed instantly
For just one day
Grandma, get back to your village!
I guess the evolution begins, "What's going on?"
Boy, what are you sayin', what's happenin' to you?
You know what we do to people like you down here?
What are you sayin', huh?
Just give me 50 kuruş, sucker
I'll f*ck you
Today I've learned that I'm Kurdish, dear Öcalan "brez" Öcalan
My whole perspective changed instantly
For one day
Grandma, for God's sake grandma, just return to your village!