Bubbles: I don't like that song and I put an end to it
One of the seagulls: Well, this music is terrible
Bubbles: I suppose your entitled to your....wait! Why am I talking to you
You're an inferior species
What could you know about taste?
You get excited by a pile of trash on a plate
While I'm a space-time traveler
Fabric unraveler
Saving the patty's in the past
But now I'm rapping ya
That song's so bad that I can't even stand it
Dispense with this nonsense at once
I demand it
You all stand no chance against my powers
Don't try it
Just sit there with your flappy beak shut and be quiet
Kyle and The Seagulls: Hold up fish guts
You can't insult us
(The Seagull Crew)
We're in no mood to hear [squawks] from you
We're floating on the breeze
Party in seven seas
You got your nose on your head
Only Kyle: You blow up when you sneeze
Another seagull: Why's this guy's so mean?
Kyle and The Seagulls: 'Cause he's older than a fossil
All alone up in space
Kyle: Yeah, that must be awful
Captain Burgerbeard: Here, knock it off
Yer making the movie to long
Kyle and The Seagulls: Why don't you travel back in time so we can finish our song
Bubbles: hmm.....fine