Let’s bet on it while it’s a sure thing
I always play with my heart, I can’t go against Leeds
From X to 2, a call for Nice
We split it brotherly and fall into the rush
Tomorrow, it’s a sure thing again, win however much you want
Trust your brother, you don’t have to be bad
Not at all, we’re betting everything on the Italians
We’re waiting for Torino, we have all the Milans
Air Force, Nike, and King Kyle
My brother, my brothers,
a guaranteed troublemaker, you were in my house
My brother, my brothers
My beautiful eyes, you’re a city child
My brother, my brothers
Man, you’re our brother, you FB like every picture
My brother, my brothers
Moonshine, brandy, and a strict baazar
Sike(?) my brothers, our neighborhood and backyard
Quiet, not one word, we’re falling down while skating
The strongest in Tuzla, Sarajevo, and Bileca
We ride on scooters, we chase money
The gym, some weights, what’s going on with you
Let’s be southerners so I can climb on chandeliers
If someone lets out a peep, your brothers are by your side
A brother protects his brother, you know the number, call
A brother arrives immediately, tell me where the problem is
We’ve been on guard all day, on high alert
You proved your loyalty to your brother a long time ago
Bergamo, Jeezy, like in Kendrick’s song
We drink to Saban’s music, fuck it, genetics
Fuck it, we’re not in Paris and not in London
Esthetics, you can tell they’re brothers by their mannerisms
I go down with my brothers and it’s not important why
Whether it’s on a beat or a punch
Always nice, that’s my brother
Cunning faces, opposite of restraint
Whatever happens, a brother is there for his brother
Brothers hold love and loyalty
Not in his actions, not in what he’s doing under the surface
What does my brother need, his brother is above all else
His own country, people, paradzemats
Having a beer with my brother, he’s in every business
Do you need an iPhone, or a PlayStation game
When will you record a new verse, it’s normal brother, I’ll record it
And come on, bring back that one porn on DivX
My handsome brother, when are we going to the city
To startle a guy in Tuzla and throw a loaf
How are you the new Tupac, loudly asking
Although I liked his first album
Brothers of brothers, always greatly outnumbered
We need an hour, we’ll be there in half
Sons, across the Puna and we don’t use the turn signal
A brother is there for a brother, he never betrays him
Fuck Paris, the Champs-Élysées
See brother, each one of them is a racist dog
Dear, the styles are on point, my handsome brothers
A brother protecting a brother, even if he has to go to the ends of the earth
We’re in a pub
People got fucked up
We’re in a gym
People got fucked up
We’re at a bowling alley
People got fucked up
We’re in a heating plant
People got fucked up