The one, who left his home at the age of fifteen,
can't understand the one, who was an exellent student.
The one, who has a great life-plan,
will hardly think about anything else.
We are drinking tea, sitting in old flats,
Looking forward to summer, sitting in old flats.
In old flats, where threre is an electricity,
gas, telepnone, hot water,
radio, parquet on the floor,
toilet and bathroom, in a brick houses.
one family, two families, three families...
many additional premises,
First and last floors are not wanted,
near the station, in the center...*
mmm, Boshetunmay*...
everybody tells, we are together,
everybody tells, but only few people know exactly where*
But our pipes produce so unusual smoke.
Stop! it's dangerous! your brain is working!
mmm, Boshetunmay*...