she is nothing special
your little girl is too chatty for me (?)
she is goodlooking only from distance
(wathing her) closely, she is a blame! (very ugly)
neko ce rode morati da ode, someone will has to go,buddy
it is clear as day ( or thet say clear as a tear or something)
she is rebellious
andjela ti glumi, she plays an angel
but I know her very well
when there is a light there is a shadow ( expression)
hot and cold
silent and loud
even the birds knows it
better her then me
in tears to leave
bolje ona nego ja
to go crazy
bolje ona nego ja
to understand a betrayal
bolje ona nego ja
to swear you as ugly
when she can't deal with you
it not that
she has to worry
because I am near (you)
a woman knows by smell
koja je nevolja what kind of trouble is
neko ce rode
morati da ode
jasno je ko dan
stalno se buni
andjela ti glumi
a dobro je znam
gde svetlo je tamno je
vruce je hladno je
tiho je glasno je
i vrapcima jasno je