Since racism is based on sight
Both by the seer and the seen
Perception of judgment or conclusion
Indicative of logic's pursuit
May be in fact flawed fallacies
But an easily sensed difference
It is a basic survival tool tended
That all beings could decipher
A threat or a benevolent friend
A quick assessment of selves
Yet words and actions hold up
They make the decisions grand
And hold to experience, learning
Survival skills deemed essential
In this world so ever changing
The quandary of discrimination
A watchword of malevolence
Is in fact a mutual given view
Disguised in mores unwritten
Yet ever so cryptically kept
Aside from assigned blindness
Should sight fail us further
What then, its consequence given
That would render us infirmed
Disabled, or perhaps enabled
Lo, a testament of frailty, of fear
For all to be a threat, a foe envisioned
Thus truly measured is character
Of an individual imperceptible
Beyond all senses spoken of
For the inert there are none other
But in deprivation or capture
There is freedom, it is thought
Senses sullied will release it
An essence of spirit soaring
What is taught, and learned
Are the limits of others given
Accepted or sided decisions
Each individual must make
Thus, blindness made clear