It could be that I don't mean what I say
and it's possible that I don't say what I like
and it could be, I am just one of billions
but who should I say that to?
it could be that what you see isn't there at all
and it could be, I am so sad like I previously was
aber wem soll ich das sagen?
oder bist du das nicht
denkst du wie sie
do you think like her or like me
oder bist du das für mich
bist du das
fühlst du wie sie
do you feel like she does or like me
do you want that
or are you doing it for me?
whether you beleve it or not
that way you'll never be a part of me
and if you were like me
then you definately wouldn't be here
then you would also have known
I am just one of billions
then you wouldn't need to ask
oder bist du das nicht
oder denkst du wie ich
oder bist du das für mich
oder bist du das nicht
oder fühlst du wie ich
oder tust du das für mich?