If they don’t come to help...
Those shoulders you have cried on once
If into your heart flowing boiling water don’t cool down
If your eyes can't be able to know anymore...
That quiet and tired man in the mirror
If running salt water down your cheeks don’t dry out
If you can’t be able to take a breath
If you can’t be able to clarify
If you can’t be able to hold on
If you can’t be able to spread wings and fly away
And, if you can’t be able to manage anymore
It should be so, it should be just like that
So, sleep now... sleep a bit
Lie down beside your loneness that went through the thunder of gunfire
And sleep a bit
If you can't be able to stop your steps anymore...
Always on the same wet sidewalks
If your fingers can't count the passing years
If your hands are beginning to forget now
Those hands they held before
If their names get lost one after another of your mind
You're only awake when you're a child, know that
But in fact, you're aware of everything
You're always turning yourself to every voice
Growing up is like sleeping and forgetting
Also, like the grown ups are saying
You have to sleep, so you can grow up
If the silence makes you deaf and light blind
Like a ghost that only makes yourself be seeing by you so that you can‘t make anybody believe
If the loneness sits right beside you tonight
If it waits for you like an enemy knocking at your door always at the same time
And if it swings above your head like a killer sword
To be able to forget everything....
Sleep a bit