Give a consolation, give a consolation !
Give a consolation to this mad that you've created !
Just lovers can understand the mood of another lover.
Come and see my situation, and give me a consolation.
If there is someone else between us,
Give the pure love of mine back to me.
I am already addicted to all sorts of pains.
I am kneaded with my never-ending issues
I can not laugh, my love .., without you ...
Ahh ..I can not live, can not live ...
What do I need, what do I need ...
What do I need else but your love ?
I would drink your love, even if it's a poison !
I wouldn't be scared of passing yr way, even if it's death !
Just say you loved ... and with this love,
I wouldn't mind any woe of the world .
I am already addicted to all sorts of pains.
I am kneaded with my never-ending issues
I can not laugh, my love ..... without you ...
Ahh .. I can not live, can not live ...