Great mountains made us apart
My love, we can't see what is on the other side(of the mountain)
They say Ferhat drilled the mountain(quoting an old Turkish folk tale)
The mountain is not the same my love we can't drill it
I heard that your father calling my salary a pocket money
I heard that your mother wants thousands as a bride wealth
In short they say that our marriage is impossible
we can't be together my love
I said the mountain is not the same before
The ones who should understand will understand it
I swear, at this rate
we won,t be happy in our afterlife too
God, If there are also mountains in afterlife
I will be so unhappy
In which holy book this is acceptable
These are all secrets, we can't know my love
You can't write somethings about your blind love
Days like centuries to Nihat ( Nihat Dalay is the lyricist)
Even the death is better than this life
We can't die my love