Today you don't feel good
Because your favorite beer is dead
You're threatened with huge distress
And you're completely at a loss
How should you survive
Can there be a rescue?
Other beers taste awful
That's bad, you don't get along
It is the global shit
Which brought you into this situation
You don't want to croak
It's your survival instinct!
This continent shines
So brightly in the sunshine
But when the beer is dead
We're not feeling good
Bombs, war and misery
Forced you into this boat
But in it you're threatened
By a wet, cold death
Seven nights, seven days
Unpromising weather situation
Nothing to eat, barely anything to drink
The boat can sink anytime
It is the global shit
Which brought you into this situation
You don't want to croak
It's your survival instinct!
This continent shines
As bright as the sunshine
But it smell of death
You not supposed to enter it!
I could scream out loud
When another boat sinks
And your ignorance
Burns me up
I only want to scream out loud
When another human being drowns
Because his killing
Stinks to the shitty high heaven