Cold run - a huge stone
The dirt must be hidden here
Get up - wake up
Think - think
Ponder about what is revealed to you
A man pulls his waggon
Loaded up to the rim
With questions he has about his existence
He stands at a diffcult crossroad
Which way will lead to his happiness
Which will make him go crazy
His waggon is overloaded
And mounted with insanity
Get it out of the dirt
Throw away the dingy things
Only keep close to you
What keeps you alive
I want to walk more than just ways
I want to experience more than just insecurity
I want to live and build up my own world
And on its ways I tread the way I like it
I want to walk more than just ways
I want to experience more than just insecurity
I want to live and build up my own world
And on its ways I tread the way I like it
Rest - cease - take a break
Live love - honor love
Listen to yourself - take strength
Many things he could do better
Cold run - a huge stone
The dirt must be hidden here
Get up - wake up
Think - think
Ponder about what is revealed to you
A man pulls his waggon
For more than 25 years already
He clearly see the truth
He wants to banish from his waggon the things which could kill him
Time shows him what time will show
And shows him that he realizes
The cold air builds ice
He's fed up with the cold