inside me there burns a fire, my body has been much too tight(to my soul)
come to my fire with windbag or with water as you please
talk to me how much you want to talk, tell me as much as lies as you like
you can't quiet the voices inside me which make me myself
have you thought that the slippery little hole you go in is a new and big world?
if you wish i could help you with a mirror but you wouldn't care
i can't stop wondering , how can you sleep at nights?
never mind me, answer to yourself please, this time can you be honest?
when i sing if you wish you can turn the volume on
is you wish turn it down and ignore this too
who knows maybe you sile or you cry
you can't silence the voices inside my heart
one side of me still thinks about you
one side of me is badly angry with you
only you and me know what has happened, you can't make forget
don't you ever think i hate you, you can't accommodate such feelings inside me
even if you pretend like the past has never been lived, you can't rewrite...