Hey , a little voice tells me few home truths in a whisper
That are passing by the banister and going upstairs
Legs are tired and eyes are turned
My nose is raised , I listen , I follow the voice
Come on ! Let's exchange nights for nights
Finally the dawn sorts out all flipped
The executioner has a hard time sliting
And straight away , somebody's missing and of nothing , the day is filled
And everything can be filled with absence
Nothing can be missing better than it
Trifle , what did you promise me ? Where did you take me ?
The little waves were quickly carried away
And suffering , under my cape , like used ,
We quickly got our table , our starters
Backfires are brewing
Trains are awaited
My notice is useless , they recognized me
In the helix where my fingers passed
I go ahead , in order to get it well
Because there's nothing left to do , somebody's missing and of nothing ,
The day is filled
And everything can be filled with absence ,
Nothing can be missing better than it