But why does the song have to be sad
Like it was cut off from my heart
And I'm flooding of joy at the moment
It rose up to my lips and drowned me
You tell me "save yourself for the end"
I love you but I don't have voice to tell you that
And this is an unbearable yearning
I melt in pain because I feel it too
The road we are on is impassable
You tell me "have courage, it will pass"
How can I forget her loose hair
that was falling in the sand like a waterfall
As she was leaning over me with thousands of kisses
Lavishly, giving me diamonds
I will go even if it turns out to be bad
On which ecstasy -in a magical dance-
could such a creature be born
From which distant star
is the light
Which was hidden in her eyes
And me, the lucky one who has seen it
In her face, a so tiny sky
Lighting, clouding, unfolding
But as the night comes
it floods of light
The August moon rises up
and shines through the prison
How can I forget her loose hair
that was falling in the sand like a waterfall
As she was leaning over me with thousands of kisses
Lavishly, giving me diamonds
I will go even if it turns out to be bad