My brother, I never forgot you
My brother, tell your friend the wind to blow and to throw you on the wind like a leaf...
My brother, tell God the thief that I've missed you
And that for hours upon hours my joy has turned to grief
My friend, my love, my brother...
I wasn't able to save you, the illness erased you 1
I brought everything we lived through to my mind again
Beautiful, starry nights with thousand around, but I lost you, my little brother, and I can't come back to it...
My brother...
My brother, what is there that's left for me to do for you?
The only words I have to say to you are in the songs that I send to the angels, that aim for the heavens 2
My brother, I owe your soul an apology,
With you, I was wrong so many times
But I was in too much of a hurry to ever tell you...
I wasn't able to save you, the illness erased you
I brought everything we lived through to my mind again
Beautiful, starry nights with thousand around, but I lost you, my little brother, and I can't come back to it...
My brother, this moment is full of tears and pain,
I dedicate my song to this...
1. Basically, obliterated them.2. Sounds like he is kind of trying to shoot his brother a message in the afterlife, perhaps through a seance.