[Track x2 with different final verse]
Here folks, come closer, days and weeks go by
and the clouds wander and the waves surge
and the rain will fall for forty days
It's raining and there's no rescue
You have to swim or you sink like a heavy stone
Everyone knows - The times are changin'.
You're a poet writing about the secret of dreams
And so you can see up to the end of dreams
You live in the abyss of words and in the desert of sentences
You know the essence of human events
Someday you are lost, tomorrow the world belongs to you
Everyone knows - The times are changin'.
You're a politician, you're a statesman, an emperor and a state
You know how many countries, so many governments
And how many states, so many currencies
And money means wealth
Whoever has them may be robbed tomorrow
Everyone knows - The times are changin'.
Dads and Moms, come closer
We're your children and with kids come the worries
We've been naughty since we're little and we don't want to go to sleep
Now is not the good time to sleep
It's five minutes to twelve and time won't stop
Everyone knows - The times are changin'.
[The first song - The last verse of the recording, which could not be released at the time (re-poemed text by Bob Dylan):]
Our train is leaving, maybe the last one,
whoever stands still, will be alone until the end of days.
After all, tomorrow's today will be yesterday
and this year will be exactly next year the passed year.
Whoever is first now will be the last,
everyone knows - The times are changin'.
[The second song - The last verse of the back then released recording (newly written text):]
We're flies, nothing more and the spider is the time
He caught us in the net of seconds now
It is as soft as moss and as thin as a hair
And there is no escape out of it
A proverb's voice sounds in the daily rush
Everyone knows - The times are changin'.