Arvidsson the welder has a problem with his nerves,
so he steps in to see the ship yards' doctor
and says "I would love to skip the broadsides ,
because it feels like I am welding in a fog.
Yes, my stomach sometimes feels like an jellyfish floating ashore
and my head whirls when I look down.
After 15 years on sheet metal it would be so good
if I could get a move down to the workshop."
This is not strange" says the doctor and smiles.
"It happens sometimes when one becomes stressed
that the stomach is out of order or the balance seems askew,
but it's good that there are medicines for most things.
I'll prescribe a pill you can take some time once in a while,
and then we can increase the dose progressively.
But think about not driving those days,
because it is possible that you will become a little slow."
But Arvidsson became upset like a choleric general,
so he got up and roared with a harsh voice:
"So it is fine to hang 30 meters over the wharf,
but the fucking car I will leave at home!"
And then he got ready, from 4 meters, like a crazy bull
and butted the doctor's teeth down his throat.
After that he was laid off, but it resolved itself at last.
And since then he has the balance.