On our beds we will have roses
And white dresses in our tombstones
Our sewn mouths and our closed eyes
Will be our last jewels
On the hidden marble slope
We will have the biggest flags
Ornamented with a thousand sealed diamonds
In the night of the purple stars
The purple stars
Blown flowers and fragrances
On earth and in our vaults
And if one asks for the ashes
I want them to be carried so high
The noises of the shaking leaves
And your drum roll
Will carry in a long silence
Our so heavy last wills
So heavy
On our beds we will have roses
And white dresses in our tombstones
Our sewn mouths and our closed eyes
Will be our last jewels
On the hidden marble slope
We will have the biggest flags
Ornamented with a thousand sealed diamonds
In the night of the purple stars
The purple stars
I will slip to see you
Where it's always dark
Brushing ourselves with our voices
We know what separate us
I will come again and again
Even if I leave before the dawn
I will leave my words on the roof
All taken away by the autumn
I will slip to see you
Where it's always dark
Brushing ourselves with our voices
We know what separate us
I will come again and again
Even if I leave before the dawn
I will leave my words on the roof
All taken away by the autumn
I will slip to see you
Where it's always dark
Brushing ourselves with our voices
We know what separate us
I will come again and again
Even if I leave before the dawn
I will leave my words on the roof
All taken away by the autumn