The sky above us seems to be within reach
You reach for my hand, the night is starlit
We are alone only a piano sounds from somewhere
We don't have to talk much, we understand us without talking
I am happy you're here so I'm not alone
With your hand in my hand I fall asleep
The piano remains silent a long time ago, now it is deadly silent -
With your hand in my hand can come what may:
We sit here in the garden and we wait for the end of the world
I didn't want to be alone and that's why you're here - thank god
We sit here in the garden and we wait for the end of the world
And if the prophecy is right then it won't take very long anymore
The time goes by, in the sky there is the moon shining bright
The stars rotate slowly and my heart beats pretty fast
With your hand in my hand I'm not afraid of death
But tonight we don't have to die because sky the turns red
Morning has come and we're still here
Hopefully you will come to me this evening again
Then we'll sit in the garden, waiting for the end of the world again
Because if the prophecy is right than it won't take very long anymore
Then we wit in the garden and we wait for the end of the world
I am so happy you exist because...