When one really feels love
That love isn't forgotten
Time passes, everything passes and in the heart1
That love nests
And at moment far from it
Nostalgia torments
But any moment nigh is so good
This love grows
My love for her
Is without measure
For she is everything
Everything in my life
I never imagined I would ever find in this world
A love so perfect
Of the kind that when you have it you don't know
If it fits, in the heart
But I can today say what
True love is
And a love like that I know [will be] forever
I know it [will be] eternal
My love for her
Is without measure
For she is everything
Everything in my life
Whoever loves doesn't forget who one loves
Love is like that
Sometimes I forget about myself
But I never forget about her
For her, this infinite love
The most beautiful love
That's how our love without measure is
A love, for the whole life
My love for her
Is without measure
For she is everything
Everything in my life
My love for her
Is without measure
For she is everything
Everything in my life
1. Lit. "chest"