Lullay, lullay, lay lay, lullay:
mi deere moder, sing lullay.
Lullay, lullay, lay lay, lullay:
mi deere moder, sing lullay.
Als I lay on Yoolis Night
alone in my longing
me thought I saw a well fair sight,
a may hiar child rokking.
Lullay, lullay, lay lay, lullay:
mi deere moder, sing lullay.
The maiden wold withouten
song hir child o sleep to bring;
the child him thought sche ded him wrong
and bad his moder sing.
'Sing nou moder,' said the child,
'wat schal tome befall
heerafter wan I cum til eld,
for so doon modres all.'
'Ich a moder, trewely,
that kan hir credel keep,
is wun to lullen luvely
and sing hir child o sleep.'
'Sweete moder, fair and free,
because that it is so,
I pray thee that thou lulle me
and sing sumwat therto.'
Lullay, lullay, lay lay, lullay:
mi deere moder, sing lullay.
'Sweete sune,' saide sche,
'weroffe schuld I sing?
Ne wist I nere yet more of thee
but Gabriels greeting.'
'He grett me goodli on his knee
and saide, "Hail, Marie!
Hail, full of grace, God is with thee;
thou beren schald Messie."'
'I wundred michil in my thought,
for man would I richt none.'
"Marie", he saide, "dred thee hought:
let God of heven alone."
"the Holi Gost schal doon al this,"
he said withouten wun,
that I schuld beren mannis blis
and Godis owne sun.
Lullay, lullay, lay lay, lullay:
mi deere moder, sing lullay.
He saide, "thou schalt bere a king
in king Davitis see;"
in all Jacobes wuniing
ther loverd schuld he be
'I answered blethely
for that his word we paid,
lo Godis servant heer am I
be et as thou me said'
'The schepperds waked
in the wold thei herd a wundermirth
of angels ther,
as theim thei told the tiding of thi birth'
Lullay, lullay, lay lay, lullay:
mi deere moder, sing lullay.
'Sweete sune,
sikerly, no more kan I say,
and if I koulde, fawn wold I,
to doon al at thi pay'
Lullay, lullay, lay lay, lullay:
mi deere moder, sing lullay.
'Serteynly this nicht I say,
this song I herde sing,
als I me lay this Yoolis day
alone in my longing.'