Leave the dream to the dreamer
Let's trust in confidence
Let's live passion, feeling
Leave violence out of it
Let the hearts reign
And the fists loose
Leave people the freedom
To make mistakes and to understand
And let everything happen out of love
Let the children have their right
Let them be wild and true
Leave the flowers the light they're aspiring
Let prosper what lives
Leave the night to the night owls
And the power to the good
Let the mighty know
That they never support us
And that everything happens out of love
Let the earth spin in peace
And not in fights
Let all the agitators and fighters
Never be winners
Let the youth have their fun
And their longing for happiness
Leave the old ones their dignity
And give it back to them
Let the skeptics have their questions
And give the power to the clever
Leave the weirdo his choas of ideas
And let verything happen out of love
Leave the wind to the eagle
And carries him into the sky
And let us respect
What moves others
Let dance partners float
Keep hope alive
Let's walk upright into new eras
And everything out of love
Let everything happen out of love