Being with me, many a time I repeated "God willing ......
... my love, you'll be mine. God willing"1
My heart desired her. Of all the (people of the) world it called (only) to her, it came (only) to her
Oh, God! Oh, Mighty God! Such beauty can never happen twice2
Who would bother or worry, while having that all,
about people or life? No no no
Being with me, many a time I repeated "God willing ......
... my love, you'll be mine. God willing"
I'll never forget her. This is a vow I take on myself and a word I will tighten up for her
From this day on I'll restart the past years of my life for her2
Who would bother or worry, while having that all,
about people or life? No no no
Being with me, many a time I repeated "God willing ......
... my love, you'll be mine. God willing"
1. At that time she was with him, but she hasn't been HIS girl yet2. a. b. Approx. translated