I made my way for hunting a deer.
Oh! For hunting it.
Then, the deer pulled me through its own mountain.
Woe! Through the mountain.
While I was on road, rocks were snowcapped.
Oh! They were snowcapped.
Then, the wind blew, and whole melted.
Woe! They melted.
What a penitence I have, of deer hunting.
Oh! Of deer hunting.
Go on brothers! As I stood still on foremost rocks.
Woe! On foremost rocks.
Owing to the rocks, my anklebones began to decay,
Oh! They began to decay.
Go on huntsmen! As I stood still on foremost rocks.
Woe! On foremost rocks.
My thread remained hanging on the rock.
Oh! It remained hanging.
My subjects remained in print on coffer.
My fiance remained mute in my motherland.
Woe! she remained mute.