I have a slight movement in my inside, what's up (or I hope it's good)
Heart is hopping mad (and) give me hell
What I say is gainless, doesn't squeeze words, this is much
(It) says that leyla has reached her mecnun (leyla&mecnun are mythical lovers)
oooo of of
Fickle fortune took me at a disadvantage this time
It found a way and trapped again
Entrapped me on purpose again
ooo of of
It is obvius from every state of him, he'll take
He's from the people who look at floor( means below) and set on fire heart (This idiom is used for catty people), (he is) ordeal
(There are) poplar winds on my head
Darling's fires surrounded the chimney
Heart doesn't care even if its tongue is on fire
But his steel steel eyes (steel is adjective here, meaning his eyes are like a steel)
(They) bumped my heart from twelve( means he made me love him with his good features, he made it perfectly)
The die is cast, this heart ignores the law/edict (means doesn't listen to me, does whatever it wants)
His looking his smiling are so grateful
Honey streams from his mouth (means he talks sweety)
Life is in vain without him
He infuses new life to me
Butterflies flit in my inside
I covered distance to land of lovers