I had a conversation with the mind, last night
I have some questions, I said.
Source of every information that you are,
You should lead me.
I am tired of living, what shall I do?
Endure it few years more, he said.
What is it, I asked, to live?
A dream, he said; few images.
What is it to have a household, I asked;
To suffer for years
Just to make some merry, he said
What kind of people those tyrants are, I asked;
Wolves, mutts, weasels or so, he said.
What do you say to these man, I asked;
Gutlesses, harebrains, bastards, he said.
That loon heart of mine, I asked;
When will be wise?
After when chastened some more, he said.
What say you to these words of Hayyam, I asked:
I say, he lined the words one under the other,
Had a natter, he said.
Without me these roses, cypresses does not exist.
Red lips, fragrant wines does not exist.
Mornings, nights, joys, sorrows does not exist.
This world exists as long as I think, (If) I do not exist, it does not