I lull my heart
I lull my mind
I rock them to sleep
I calm my head.
I lull the child of mind
I caress my own.
I look for strength from the heaven
with my prayer
with my prayer
Alone I fill the empty night
Alone I taste it's coldness
The life runs as a sand
to the wind between my fingers.
I move my song
the sensitive mind of it
I play a beautiful sound
and I don't hear the world.
Let them grow beautiful and
let them fill my mind
let them drive away the evil
my brights strings
my bright strings
Alone I fill the empty night
Alone I taste it's coldness
The life runs as a sand
to the wind between my fingers.
Without hate and persecution
The Only One walks with me.
It gives me love, it gives me comfort,
a feeling so enchanted.