like a flock of birds
the planes looked like
and in the middle of the fuselage
traveled the columbian
that is how they
transported it
the radar did not
detect it
they put it with the
whites and the greens
came to them
very intelligent
very good to close deals
russians, middle easterns,
columbians, and italians
strong exponent in the market
thats why he was in high command
his name was
Amado Carrillo
A legend in smuggling
in his head was a bright idea
put the cocaine in commercial airplanes
his airline started streaming
and results were already coming
kilo by kilo were put in
it came to many tons
come on my friend T3R Elemento
come on
and thats how i am Gera and gang gang foo
and from pablo escobar
the man has won respect
what he produced he moved
with the wind
it was direct and non-stop
in 5 days the cocaine entered
with that he created his empire
and his millionaire fortune
King of white gold
only one of many nicknames
he controlled the market
and he really did it his way
the discretion made it big
and he arranged it with the generals
200 million dollars and those were only weekly
there are many questions with relation to his death
whether he died or if he is a living legend
aircraft 727
that crossed the continents
maybe if it keeps flying
the doubt is for you.
Thats it Gera
only forward, man.